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日期及時間02/03/2024 @ 17:00–18:00 或 18:00-19:00 (每週會以whatsapp確實時間取決於可租用時段)
堂數 : 10,每週六一節,每節一小時

(2/3, 9/3, 16/3, 23/3, 6/4, 20/4, 27/4, 4/5, 11/5 + 25/5)

地點香港灣仔港灣道27港灣道體育館舞蹈 (/) (灣仔/會展地鐵站)
導師註冊認證 FLEXI-BAR教練



1) 身體各不同的肌肉訓練胸,背,肩,腰,腳,腹,核心

2) 力量,耐力,核心,及軀幹訓練


備註:學員請穿著運動服裝運動鞋和帶備Flexi-Bar出席 (或每次每節課 $50租用) 。

           : 開班視乎報名人數。 缺席課堂者均不能補堂。



Target and strengthen core muscle tissue in a Fun & Easy way


Just swing your Flexi Bar and you can get -->


Benefits of Flexi-Bar

  • Strengthened deep muscles, consciously targeting the back, pelvic floor and core muscles.
  • Better Balance, Improved Stability, Strength Endurance and Coordination
  • Improve Back Pain
  • Better Waistline
  • Increases Metabolism
  • Strengthen Connective Tissue
  • Improve Posture and Flexibility


Why Flexi Bar?

  • Quick and Effective - just 10 minutes for an effective workout.
  • Light weight and easy to store - Train for a fitter body while watching your favourite TV show
  • Suits all ages, different fitness levels


The FLEXI-BAR® was the first sports device to be awarded the AGR seal of approval as a training device for back therapy and gymnastics. You can use the FLEXI-BAR® in therapy and prevention, but it also complements any other sport, as it provides balance, Improved stability, strength endurance and coordination.


Available in 4 levels of difficulty  (low to high )- Green (kids/senior),  Red (standard), Blue (intensive) and Black (athlete). The difficulty are distinguished by the level of resistance to the swinging motions.

Import from and Made in Germany.

Athelite Sports is the only Authorised Distributor in Hong Kong, Macao, China.

本公司,精英運動,是 FLEXI-BAR 香港和澳門唯一德國製造商授權產品和培訓總代理,敬請留意

Flexi-Bar 功能訓練工作坊 (2/3/24 開始粵語進行)

HK$1,500.00 Regular Price
HK$980.00Sale Price
  • Made in Germany

    4 types - Red (standard), Blue (intensive), Black (athlete) and Green (kids/senior)

    Light weight 

    Made with fibreglass and polyurethane.

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